vrijdag 29 september 2023

Lisa Boray And Friends - Wow (2005)

Lisa Schulte Nordholt (Lisa Boray) (Breda, 26 januari 1956) is een Nederlandse zangeres die zowel onder haar eigen naam optreedt en platen uitbrengt als in vele bands zingt; onder andere in American Gypsy, Houseband en Navel
Ook is zij erg actief als backing vocalist bij verschillende artiesten; zij zong bijvoorbeeld bij Wally Tax en Herman Brood.

Boray zong in de tweede helft van de jaren zeventig bij de Amsterdamse Houseband. Verder was ze ook een tijdje actief in de band Navel, waarmee ze 1 LP opnam (A rainy day at Chateau Lafite '42). 
Ze nam plaats in een gelegenheidsformatie met Kimm Hekker en Patricia Maessen, waarmee 1 single werd opgenomen en ze zong een tijdje bij American Gypsy. Daarnaast was ze in de eerste helft van de jaren tachtig zo'n beetje op elke belangrijke Nederlandse plaat te horen, bijvoorbeeld van Earth & Fire, de Margriet Eshuijs Band en Lori Spee

Tien jaar na haar met een Edison bekroonde album The Need To Be brengt Lisa Boray in 2005 de cd Wow! uit. 
De plaat bevat twaalf swingende tracks, waarvan de helft door de zangeres zelf zijn geschreven. Wow! bevat bijdragen van o.a. Hans Jansen (piano), Harry Emmery (bas) en Ton op 't Hof (drums/productie) en onder meer jazzy bewerkingen van de nummers Fever, Satisfaction en Round Midnight

Track listing

1.  Feelings Too - 2:27
2.  Language Of Love - 4:13
3.  Fever - 4:15
4.  Snowwhite Baby Seal - 1:44
5.  How Do You Do It - 3:21
6.  Papa Can You Hear Me - 3:57
7.  Dance With The Angels - 4:21
8.  Make Sure You're Sure - 3:16
9.  Don't Be Too Careful - 3:28
10.  Lover Come Back To Me - 3:08
11.  Satisfaction - 4:14
12.  Round Midnight - 4:58

zondag 24 september 2023

Today, Tomorrow, Forever - Today, Tomorrow, Forever (1979)

Performers [Today Tomorrow Forever Are]: Alfredo Ramos, Allison Brunson Jr., Alton Hudson, Darwin Brett Brown, Deborah Peevy, Ronald


One of many records that I snagged out of crates that were headed for oblivion (a.k.a. the storage warehouse) at my old job. 
The A side is funkier, weirder, and arguably more interesting than the B side, which is still good but falls into a comparatively standard disco groove. 
It's not gonna change your life, but it's a super fun record, and the synth break in "Astro Boogie" alone is worth the price of admission

Track listing

1.  It's a Groove (Keep On Dancin') - 3:47
2.  Astro Boogie - 4:27
3.  Mad House - 5:24
4.  Blipped (All Over Myself) - 5:15
5.  Taking Me Higher - 4:40
6.  I'm for You - 5:19
7.  It's Your Love - 4:57
8.  Get On Down - 4:15

zaterdag 23 september 2023

The Church - The Hypnogogue [Deluxe Edition] [2023]

The 2020 departure of founding Church member Peter Koppes leaves bassist/singer/songwriter/frontman Steve Kilbey as the last original member still standing from this veteran Australian combo. Now in its 42nd year, the band’s 26th album reflects a remarkable, even legendary run.

Since Kilbey has been the focal point for decades, it’s not surprising that even now, as a first-time five-piece with the addition of (third) guitarist Ashley Naylor, little has changed sonically or conceptually. 
The songs amble on a bed of lush, interlaced shimmering guitars, atmospheric keyboards, and restrained drums supporting Kilbey’s distinctive, hushed vocals. The most common adjective describing The Church is “dreamy.” 
According to promotional notes, this is their first concept album. But since lyrics are unavailable, trying to untangle the complexities of the story—about a fading rock star looking for something called the Hypnogogue, which extracts music from dreams—is a task only the most diehard fans will have the time, inclination, or patience for.
But since Kilbey’s lyrics have characteristically landed on the inscrutable side, that’s nothing new. Adding to the overall enigmatic approach, tunes are credited both in composition and performance to all five members, who also switch instruments. 
Regardless, the 13 tracks running just over an hour are classic Church. They hover and float with few variations in tone or tempo. Melodies soar and hang, choruses may appear, but often don’t as selections unspool at their own deliberate pace.
Anyone hoping for another “Reptile,” “Under the Milky Way,” or “The Unguarded Moment,” songs whose underlying pop and rock inclinations pushed them into The Church’s most memorable pieces, might be disappointed. But it has been decades since those catchier items have become alternative radio hits.
Rather, on The Hypnogogue, the quintet creates fluid moods, moving in idiosyncratic directions while maintaining the shadowy gaze that has defined The Church’s style. Still, a few more songs like the relatively pop-oriented “C’est La Vie” would help elevate and energize the album by varying its consistency. 

Track listing

1.  Ascendence (5:37)
2.  C’est La Vie (4:55)
3.  I Think I Knew (3:56)
4.  Flickering Lights (4:50)
5.  The Hypnogogue (6:13)
6.  Albert Ross (3:54)
7.  Thorn (4:12)
8.  Aerodrome (4:32)
9.  These Coming Days (4:37)
10.  No Other You (4:10)
11.  Succulent (6:47)
12.  Antarctica (5:34)
13.  Second Bridge (5:20)

Deluxe Edition
14.  Realm of Minor Angels (3:31)
15.  Amanita (3:26)
16.  Song 18 (4:15)
17.  Sublimated in Song (3:47)
18.  Pleasure (4:28)
19.  A Strange Past (9:34)